Social Responsibility
Finbar's commitment
develop better lifestyles for people
Finbar’s corporate motto – “Developing better lifestyles” has been at the core of the company’s mission in creating vertical communities for people across Perth and Western Australia for more than a quarter of a century. Communities that provide people the opportunity to improve their lives and that help our urban areas to evolve in new sustainable ways – adding key infrastructure and amenities for society.
Housing affordability and diversity is one of the major challenges facing our society today and one that Finbar is helping to address. Through the range of apartments it develops and offers, the technologies and design that make the company’s developments easier, more cost effective and better to live in. Finbar is providing people with more choice in how and where they want to live.
Measuring the full social return on this infill investment is complex and multi-faceted, but the benefits to society that come from the wellness and engagement generated by new vertical communities is well recognised.

minimise our carbon footprint & protect biodiversity
Finbar’s enviable track record of delivering 100 per cent of its proposed projects to date – that is approaching 7,000 apartments within Western Australia – reflects what can be achieved through an ongoing commitment to the benefits of apartment living including:
• Reducing embodied and operational carbon associated with housing estimated to account for 40% of total emissions
• Reducing the destruction of native and agricultural land associated with greenfield development, thus maintaining important biodiversity
• Reducing dependence on cars as a primary transport mode, co-locating with employment, amenity and high frequency public transport
• Providing affordable housing options for first home buyers
• Providing diverse housing options to allow people to age-in-place in the suburbs that they currently reside in
• Residential amenities designed to facilitate interaction both between residents as well as residents and their guests
• Leverages existing infrastructure and services
• Reducing waste through compaction and building management of diverse waste streams
• Allowing the sourcing of cheaper power through wholesale power contracts negotiated on behalf of the development
• Supporting the local economy
• Broadening the rate base of local councils, which supports the delivery of services they provide to the general community
Finbar for everyone
Doing our part
Finbar developments have received numerous industry awards across high density, medium density and urban renewal categories for adding life, activation and amenity to residents and the neighbourhoods in which they are located.
In addition to its core development focus, Finbar acknowledges and supports the positive role that not for profit organisations across a wide range of issues provide in our community through an established sponsorships and donations program. Over the years this support of worthwhile organisations has included MercyCare, the Asthma Foundation of WA, the Rotary Club, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, Special Air Service Regiment Auxiliary Inc , Youth Focus, Bodhinyana Building Fund, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and the Lord Mayors Distress Relief Appeal.

A closer look
Advocating for change

As a society we need to remain vigilant to ensure that the often insidious forms of modern slavery are identified and addressed. With multi-layered supply chains necessary for the delivery of built form development, Finbar recognises the issues associated with modern slavery that need to be addressed in order to stop the exploitation of people that violates their fundamental human rights. The company has worked diligently with its contractors and suppliers to ensure it complies with modern anti-slavery initiatives and requirements.
Finbar recognises and respects our local indigenous culture of the Whadjuk peoples of the Perth area, that form part of the Noongar peoples who have lived across the south-western region of Western Australia for more than 45,000 years.